Rotterdam is known as the “Gateway City” to Europe with one of the largest harbors in the world, where the majority of goods received and sent from Europe pass through. Our desire is to function like the harbor as an equipping and sending location for believers in our city and globally.
We are passionate about growing in relationship with Jesus and those around us, being transformed daily in His presence and worshipping continuously through lives of obedience. We believe that this lifestyle is the byproduct of sharing our lives with those around us.
Everything we do is driven by three missional values that we believe are specifically what He is calling us to live out in Rotterdam.
In a fragmented society, where individuals are facing being alone and contractual friendships, we are pursuing unity and authentic relationships. Our relationships are at the core for unifying our family that not only sits by us at a service but shares meals at our homes throughout the week. We believe that we are witnesses of His love by how we love each other.
Compassion guides us in how we love those around us, those far from God, and those in need. We are compelled by His love when we see others through His perspective. Through this, we are willing vessels for the Holy Spirit to serve, love, and meet needs of those around us as a witness of His love for each individual.
Finally, we are pursuing health. We aspire for everyone to have freedom in spiritual and emotional health. Our belief is Jesus came to bring healing and freedom to the scars that are unseen and also restoration to our physical health. Each area was paid for on the cross and we have confidence that He is the answer for holistic health in every area.
I live with a heart posture to be consistent in every aspect of my life.
Biblically Based
I am devoted to living out the Biblical standard in the interactions of our relationships, in
our theology, and our servanthood to the King.
Growing People - Discipleship, Practical Training
I am committed to grow as a person and committed to those around me in discipleship and
preparation to serve.
Genuine Interest in Others - Family, Different Cultures
I see each person as an image-bearer of God, valuable, and uniquely made in family of
origin, culture, personality to the fulfillment of His Kingdom.
Intimacy with Jesus - Life of Worship
My whole life is worship to God, making His name known, His love felt, and His grace
Purposed to Serve
I am redeemed to be a part of God's Kingdom, purposed to serve with a heart of
obedience, ready to step in where called.
As we were seeking God on how to best reach our city, He guided our team through creating this pathway together. Our hope is that individuals may enter our community when invited in through relationship. We believe then Jesus will bring freedom in all areas from spiritual to emotional. As we are transformed by Him, we get prepared and equipped to be vessels for Him to do through us what He has already done in us. In this we begin serving others as an overflow and walk confidently that we are sent locally and globally. Our path continues because we believe that we are on a lifelong journey of maturing. As we mature, He will continue to shake things loose so that we might look more like Him and love others better.